Our small ICF team can act swiftly, without a large bureaucracy, to respond to urgent conservation needs.

Our small ICF team can act swiftly, without a large bureaucracy, to respond to urgent conservation needs.

Doug Bender


Doug Bender is retired from a 36-year career as a spacecraft engineer at Boeing, where he was Chief Engineer for Flight and Control of Boeing’s unmanned space programs. Doug holds a PhD in Electrical Engineering from University of California at Santa Barbara. Since retiring, Doug has changed focus, volunteering at ten distinct conservation projects in as many countries, some multiple times. He is a technical advisor to Ikh Nart Nature Reserve in Mongolia and to Marine Conservation Cambodia, which he has visited over 10 times so far.

Meade Cadot


Meade Cadot is Naturalist Emeritus at the Harris Center for Conservation Education, where he earlier served for 33 years as Executive Director, overseeing the creation of the 35,000-acre SuperSanctuary of connected protected lands. Meade also served as a faculty member in Antioch University New England’s Environmental Studies Department for 34 years. He has received numerous lifetime awards for his work in conservation and education.

Jerry Bertrand


Jerry Bertrand is an Environmental Advisor to Permian Global and was science advisor to the executive offices of Presidents Nixon, Ford and Carter. He was head of International Affairs for the US Fish & Wildlife Service where his portfolio included setting up new parks and reserves in Asia, Africa and Latin America. He was Chairman of BirdLife International, President of Massachusetts Audubon Society, and he co-founded World Land Trust. Jerry has an MS and PhD in marine science and oceanography and holds a degree in environmental law.

Wayne Klockner


Wayne Klockner is the Executive Director of the American Birding Association.  He worked for The Nature Conservancy for 38 years in Massachusetts, New York, Maryland, Delaware, and Indonesia. With TNC, he managed state and country programs that implemented conservation plans to protect and sustainably manage terrestrial and aquatic habitats. Prior to TNC, Wayne was a field biologist for the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. He also served as a trustee of The Jeremy and Hannelore Grantham Environmental Trust. Wayne holds a B Sc. Degree in Biology and Environmental Planning.

Diana Papoulias


Diana Papoulias retired in 2014 after a 25-year career as a research scientist with the U.S. Geological Survey’s Columbia Environmental Research Center where she studied the effects of contaminants on the
aquatic environment. Concerned about the effects of extractive industries on indigenous lands and peoples, she subsequently joined the non-profit E-Tech International to train environmental monitors to protect their native lands in Peru and Ecuador and to provide environmental expertise towards
remediation efforts of petroleum-contaminated lands. She currently is science advisor for E-Tech Peru. Diana has a Master’s Degree from Arizona State University and a Ph.D in Fisheries and Wildlife from the University of Missouri.

Philip Borden


Trained in history, mathematics, political theory, and management in the U.S. and at Oxford, Dr Borden left an academic career to found ventures in artificial intelligence, advanced manufacturing, electronic design, and image processing. He then turned to nonprofit economic development, specializing in small business growth, financing, and racial/ethnic/gender equity. He helped establish several business and civic organizations, taught MBA nonprofit management, and served on nonprofit boards. He has consulted widely and authored over 100 professional and popular presentations and publications.

Dexter Mead


Dexter Mead has worked with land and wildlife conservation organizations since 1988, including the Piedmont Environmental Council, National Fish & Wildlife Foundation, Wildlife Habitat Council, and Mass Audubon. Most recently he was the Executive Director of the Dartmouth Natural Resources Trust in Massachusetts for 18 years. Dexter has a Master’s in Environmental Studies from the Yale School of the Environment.

Scott Hecker


Scott has devoted his career to coastal bird conservation, while also conducting lectures nationwide, publishing research papers and guidance manuals, leading professional workshops, and appearing as an expert witness in legal hearings. Notably, Scott led Piping Plover recovery efforts for the Massachusetts Audubon Society, which saw the state’s population of this threatened species increase from 126 pairs in 1987 to 530 pairs in 2002.  He then expanded his efforts to protect terns and shorebirds as the Director of Coastal Bird Conservation at the National Audubon Society.  He completed his Master’s work in Belize and presently serves as the Director of Bird Conservation for the International Conservation Fund of Canada.

David Agro


David is an architect and conservationist based in Toronto. His science background has led him to work on award-winning design projects relating to scientific and environmental research, education, and interpretation. David’s interest in tropical conservation arose from ornithological work at the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia. The dramatic discovery of a new species of Antpitta during fieldwork in Ecuador led to the formation in 1998 of Fundación Jocotoco, of which David is a founding board member. Since recently stepping down as Jocotoco’s president, David helps ICF develop new programs and support for same.

Aleks Evtimov


Aleks has been an advocate for environmental awareness on social media for 15 years, focusing on the causes and solutions to deforestation. He has collaborated with environmental NGOs across Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, and the U.S., gaining valuable experience in the field. Currently, he supports ICF with technical aspects such as website design and social media promotion for partner organizations. Aleks holds a bachelor’s degree in law from ISES, Brussels.

Molly Bartlett


Molly Bartlett is an environmental lawyer with decades of executive experience in community based international conservation. She has substantial experience in biodiversity conservation in terrestrial and marine ecosystems delivered through local organizations in Africa, Latin America and Asia. She has held senior executive positions non-profit organizations including the International Conservation Fund of Canada and the Clinton Foundation’s Climate Initiative.  Molly has an MSc. in molecular biology and a degree in environmental law.