Photo: Murray Cooper

By supporting our partners, you are directly contributing to the preservation of Earth’s biodiversity and to mitigating the effects of climate change. Your generous contribution will aid our field partners in their efforts to safeguard threatened ecosystems, protect endangered species, and uphold indigenous cultures.

You may donate with credit card or PayPal using this form, or send a check to: ICF, 41 Beacon Street, Boston, MA 02108. Thanks!

International Conservation Fund is a U.S. 501(c)3 organization. EIN: 83-4647086

Yes, the International Conservation Fund is a U.S. 501(c)3 organization. EID: 83-4647086

Yes! Donor-Advised Funds (DAF) are a tax-efficient way to manage charitable donations.

Donate via DAF Direct

Utilize the capital gains exemption for share donations. Feel free to reach out to inform us about your share donation or for further discussion.

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Yes, although if making a large donation it’s a good idea to discuss this with us beforehand.

We apply them to the projects considered most urgent at the time.

No, the Income Tax Act does not allow that. We must issue the receipt to the person making the donation. But we will send a nice thank-you card to the “giftee”.

The ICF will not sell, trade or give your information to any third party. We keep mailings to a minimum and respect donors wishes regarding frequency and means of communications. We typically send: your donation receipt; the Annual Report for the year in which a donation was received; and two newsletters per year. There may also be the occasional special communication regarding a specific program that you support.